Become a Member of the Westminster Team
We are thrilled to employ the best teachers, coaches, and staff here at Westminster! You can find current job openings at this page.
As openings occur, we can have your information readily available if you fill out our eligible staff applications ahead of time. Westminster welcomes resumes and applications of qualified teachers and coaches interested in working with us and helping us thrive in our commitment to excellence.
MS/HS Resource Intervention Support Teacher
middle school soccer
Substitute Teachers are always needed!
If you are interested, fill out a subsitute teacher form. We require all Substitute Teachers to have a profession of faith in Jesus Christ and prefer substitute teachers to have their Bachelor’s Degree.
Teachers at westminster
A Westminster teacher is one who loves pursuing academic excellence, teaches with depth and creativity, cares deeply for the students, cultivates healthy and nurturing relationships, and has a passion to see Jesus Christ glorified in all things. If you believe Westminster might be the place for you, we want to hear from you!
Please note that Westminster is a distinctly Christian school. Every teacher/coach is a confessing Christian in the historic Protestant tradition. Each believes that Jesus Christ is his/her Savior and that excellence in education is designed to equip the next generation to lead their communities with strength, serve their neighbors with love and, in so doing, bring glory to Jesus.
We require all teachers to have a profession of faith in Jesus Christ and prefer substitute teachers to have their Bachelor’s Degree.